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Welcome to the Special Education Program Approval System

This system is used for approvals for three different criteria:

Public Placements of Special Education Students in a Private Special Education School
ED-P Programs in Public Education Agencies
Educational Placements for Residential Treatment Centers


The FY25 application is open.

Please view the memo for additional information.



For Approved Private Special Education (SPED) School information go to Approved Private SPED Schools

For information on ED-P programs in public education agencies go to ED-P Programs

For Private SPED School and ED-P questions, please email ESSPrivateDayEDP@azed.gov or (602) 364-4016


For information on Residential Treatment Centers (RTC) go to the ESS Vouchers website


Applications may be returned for edits, please be sure the edits/additions are incorporated before you finish and/or resubmit the application.



Exceptional Student Services requires organizations to submit quarterly renewals for private special education programs that admit publicly placed students. Your organization’s renewal application is due. If you have changes in administration, ownership, staff, location, grades, or special education disability categories served within the past quarter, please select 'YES' to make the necessary changes to your application and re-submit. If you have no changes within the past quarter, select 'NO' to confirm that your application information is current and accurately reflects your private special education program.
Exceptional Student Services requires public education agencies (PEAs) to submit quarterly renewals for ED-P programs. Your PEA's renewal application is due. If you have changes in Point of Contact, staff, location, classrooms, or grades within the past quarter, please select 'YES' to make the necessary changes to your application and re-submit. If you have no changes within the past quarter, select 'NO' to confirm that your application information is current and accurately reflect your ED-P program.